Round 20

This is a preview of the Australia Awards Fellowship Application R20 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


Only Australian organisations with an Australian Business Number may apply for an Australia Awards Fellowship. Individuals and organisations based outside Australia are not eligible to apply. Completion and submission of this application form is restricted to authorised employees of Australian organisations.

The Application form must be completed in accordance with the Australia Awards Fellowships Round 20 Guidelines.

The acceptance of your submission in no way implies any commitment to fund it. The approval of funding under the Australia Awards Fellowships program is at the discretion of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and subject to a competitive selection process.

Enquiries may be directed to the Australia Awards Fellowships Secretariat at 


Applicants must:

  • read the Australia Awards Fellowships Round 20 Guidelines carefully and fully understand the contents before submitting an application;
  • read the relevant DFAT country brief and thematic documents listed in the Guidelines;
  • complete all sections of the application form marked with an asterisk (*);
  • provide a budget (for multi-country provide ratio of budget per country);
  • provide a proposed total number of Fellows (include list of partner organisation names and breakdown of numbers per country); and
  • declare you have the full agreement of the proposed Overseas Counterpart organisation(s) for the activity.